Feb 25, 2014

On the Spanker x1

In Corporal Punishment Spanking has alway played a big role.
But if your Parents dont want to spank you but you want to, then you go to selfpunishment.
But therer is one problem...
You cant really spank yourself effectively or in my case I just cant resist stopping.
So I came up with a new Concept parralel to my BTOC X2 which will have a spanking module.
This Machine offers you a wide range of spankings, it winds up with a electronic motor and can be adjusted in height and strengh by streching or destrechning the internal spring.

The thing about something like that is the Strengh, I wanted a minimal strengh wich is compared to my Strengh.
I rigged up a camera (240 Frames/second) and used my paddle to measure the speed while swatting into the air.
So here are my Results:

Swatting in the air speed:
70cm per 20 Frames
=70cm in 0,084 seconds
=8,33 m/s

Paddle weight: 82g (yes its a thin paddle)
p=0,082 kg * 8,33 m/s
p=0,68 hy

So I figured that the lengh of the swatting arm should be about 60cm.
Im calculating some more and ill be back better.

The Spanker will have a 8 pin connector that  has the following signals:
-Vcc +5V
-GND -
-LinearMotor pin1
-LinearMotor pin2
-WindupMotor pin1
-WindupMotor pin2
-Linear motor Potentiometer
-Windup motor Potentiometer

The Motors are powered over 2 seperate H bridges so you can reverse them.

I would really like to keep the spanking cooldown under 5 seconds, that means that there is a max of 5 seconds between every spank on the hardest setting (=12 spanks per minute = 60 spanks in a 5 minute spanking).

Currently Im rushing out Tech like crazy, I have a 1 week holiday the next week and my parents are away that time, so I want to make some good process there so I can finally execute the punishments left.

Take Care, 

Feb 5, 2014


Hey there,

I recently built the BTOT X1 and wanted to share some information's with you... so here are some pics ;)

The Controller (BTOC X1) based on a Arduino Uno

The completely assembled BTOT (Yes its a frame not a table...)

The Feet Straps fit around nicely and really hold you tight while still being comfortable

This is a SHC-E (Stationary Hand Lock - Electronic) uses a servo for locking
So this is my first model of Bondage Timeout Tables for people that don´t want to stay in time out ;)
Its kind of a pain to get in and out because you have to remove the middle tower to access ankles so I might replace them with Electronic locks later on in version 1.1 or simply just replace the middle tower with a different construction (well thats not really simple if you want it compact...
The feet straps don´t have padding and your foot is resting one bare aluminium but I sanded it down so it still is really comfortable.
Overall I have things to do better as this is only experimental but when being in there there is absolutely no way of getting out unless the hand locks open again, movement is very restricted and the only thing you can do is to wait for the clock to tick down...
For the next version I will definitely keep the Hand lock as well as the feet straps because they fit into the aluminium profiles which i will continue to use in the future.

In the next Days I will post some concepts and Ideas about version 2 of this stuff on here.
You will see news on The module Server System that comes with the BTOC X2 (maybe even today as I´m working hard on it).
Maybe I will even make the Module system for sale if I come up with a idea to make it really safe and bypass my parents :)
The thing with this is: when the controller fails it has to open no matter what, if not, your stuck... really stuck!

So until next time...
See ya,

Feb 4, 2014

Tech Update #1

Hey there,

I just wanted to pump out a quick update on what I´m currently working on...
Yesterday I started Version 2 of my BTOC Punishment controller since the first version was a prototype.
Currently I´m designing some PCB´s for my custom module arduinos which communicate over serial.
I´m working on following modules:
-BTOC X2 (Main controller, host)
-Lodule (Logging module, saves on SD cards the traffic in serial connection)
-USV (Emergency Battery Power supply)
-Nappy (experimental module for early bedtime or forced naps, locking the person in bed)

I am using custom flashed Arduino chips (Atmega 328 Pu).
I will release Schematics and software as soon as I´m happy with the concept.

Later this Day I will post some pictures ;)

See ya´ll next time,